Friday, March 30, 2007

Special meeting, Friday, 30 March

Meeting is in SM260 conference room at 3:00.

Report from Wednesday (28 March) planning meeting:

[1] Date for Mag Lab tour fixed (see previous blog item). [2] Information on developing a scholarship for Engineering students: requires $30,000 endowment through TCC Foundation, criteria and account in place before fund raising begins, fund raising ideas. [3] Progress on getting an engineering study room in the MESA facility when it moves to first floor of AC building, but followup work needed.

Report from Today's meeting:

Agenda item 1: Pizza (pickup at 2:30) and discussion until 3:00
  • Eight members and advisers were present.
Agenda item 2: Announcements
  • Plans for Mag Lab tour (Friday, 6 April) - See previous blog for directions.
  • Quincy 6th grader's Water Rocket Lab - Contact Carol Zimmerman ( if you can help on Thursday (4/12) or Friday (4/13) afternoon. She leaves at 1:00 for the 1:45 to 2:30 class and returns by 3:30.
Agenda item 3: Plans for Stu-Fac day (Wednesday, 4 April)
  • Julia will organize a poster-making group on Monday. We will have club info on the posters, flyers for interested students, along with the potato cannon and possibly our club rocket at the table.
  • Staffing plan was put together to cover 10:00 to 2:00. [Update: StuFac Day acitivities run from 11:00 to 1:30, but we need to be set up and ready before 11:00.] Julia will handle setup (by 10:30) and shut down (1:30). Komlan will staff it from 10:30 to 1, along with Dr. Carr (11:15 to 12:oo) and Robert H (11:30 to 1:15); Chris L will cover the gap from 1:00 until Julia can get there and close down the operation. Others are welcome to help or visit. Use the comments area to volunteer for a particular time slot.
Agenda item 4: Proposed Engineering Club scholarship fund
  • Tentative criteria for the scholarship were discussed and generally approved. Next step is to clarify what logistical requirements (application form, selection committee) must be in place to get this certified by the Foundation, along with more detailed fund raising plans.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

MAG LAB tour update

Voting is over and Friday, 6 April, has won by a landslide.

The tentative plan is to meet at the Mag Lab between 2:45 and 3:00, with the tour to run from 3:00 to 4:00, but we can start later if necessary.

So .... if you will go on the tour on April 6 but need to have it start later due to a class conflict, then please post a comment to this blog entry telling us the earliest time that works for you.

The NHMFL is located on Paul Dirac Drive in "Innovation Park".
You should see a green arrow pointing to the Mag Lab (lower right corner) and see TCC in the upper left corner. (That is how it displays in a big window, at least. You might have to slide it around a bit or zoom out one step to see both TCC and the Mag Lab on your screen.) I have it set to show the "hybrid" view that combines the road map and a satellite image. Click on the "map" tab to get a clearer idea of the road layout.

The easiest route from TCC zigzags from Pensacola to Mabry (turn at Goodwill) to Roberts Road (turn left immediately after crossing the railroad tracks) to the back entrance for Innovation Park (top of the hill, just before TurboCor), then left around the circle to the Lab.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Pick a day for the MAG LAB tour

We have two good options for a Magnet Lab tour before our final meeting of the semester:
  • Friday, 30 March
  • Friday, 6 April (Good Friday)
Please click on "comments" and post a reply telling us your preference for the tour date.

If you have a preference for the start time (see below), include that also.

The tour has to start before 4 pm, so a reasonable plan would be to meet at the Magnet Lab sometime between 3:15 and 3:45. That allows plenty of time to drive there from TCC after the late calculus class gets out.

This blog now allows anyone to post a comment. Just select "other" and put your name in the box to sign your comment. You also need to type in a string of nonsense text, which serves as a spam-bot filter.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Report from 16 March meeting

  • Komlan Amesse was elected President-elect for next year.
  • Julia Edel is going to chair a group to develop a display for Stu-Fac day
  • Khalid Rasul will arrange a tour of the Magnet Lab for later this month.

Before the meeting, Dr. Carr made a short presentation of the site plans for construction of the new parking ramp and the location of temporary parking that will be needed during construction. After the meeting, some of us visited the site to get some "before" pictures.

Click on the picture to see a larger version. (These photos have all been edited to about 600x500 pixels to keep them in the 100 kB range. High quality originals are available if needed.)

This first picture shows part of the group at the location where we expect a new footbridge will be built to allow access to a new parking area to the north of the drainage ditch. We expect a sidewalk and bridge will be here in the near future, and that a parking lot will be cut into the woods before the end of summer.

From there, some of us walked around the outline of the new parking ramp. This picture was taken at what we think will be the north-west corner of the building. Kevin, Doug, George, and Sarah are lined up along the virtual west wall of the ramp.

This picture shows Kevin standing next to the southwest corner of the building (marked with a blue arrow). Kevin is probably where a future sidewalk will be located, and I am taking the photo from a location that will probably be the center of an access road along the south side of the ramp.

The other arrow points to George, who is standing next to the southeast corner of the parking ramp. The new road will run straight down the right side of the photo.

This last photo was taken standing at the entrance to the TPP health programs office, looking west along the north side of the new parking ramp. One blue arrow shows the northeast corner, while the arrow in the distance shows the northwest corner where the first picture was taken. This view will be easy to update as construction proceeds, because the faculty parking lot on the right will not be affected by construction.

Friday, March 16, 2007


The meeting today (FRI., 3/16) will be at 3:00 pm in room SMA 140. Somebody needs to get there early in order to get the pizzas and sodas. Also, somebody needs to bring a camera. We may go to look at the area where the parking garage is to be constructed.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


A Joint Meeting of the:
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering –
ASME Student Section
AIChE Student Section
and the
ASME Tallahassee Section

Monday, March 5, 2007


Beginning at 5pm, Friday, March 2, and extending until 7:00am Monday, March 12, "School's Out!" —

Wherever you go, whatever you do, take your textbooks and study, study, study.... And keep away from balconies!

P.S. Our next meeting will be on FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2007.
The meeting time will be 3:00 pm.
However, there has been a change in our meeting place – We'll meet in room SMA 140.