Report from Wednesday (28 March) planning meeting:
[1] Date for Mag Lab tour fixed (see previous blog item). [2] Information on developing a scholarship for Engineering students: requires $30,000 endowment through TCC Foundation, criteria and account in place before fund raising begins, fund raising ideas. [3] Progress on getting an engineering study room in the MESA facility when it moves to first floor of AC building, but followup work needed.
Report from Today's meeting:
Agenda item 1: Pizza (pickup at 2:30) and discussion until 3:00
- Eight members and advisers were present.
- Plans for Mag Lab tour (Friday, 6 April) - See previous blog for directions.
- Quincy 6th grader's Water Rocket Lab - Contact Carol Zimmerman ( if you can help on Thursday (4/12) or Friday (4/13) afternoon. She leaves at 1:00 for the 1:45 to 2:30 class and returns by 3:30.
- Julia will organize a poster-making group on Monday. We will have club info on the posters, flyers for interested students, along with the potato cannon and possibly our club rocket at the table.
- Staffing plan was put together to cover 10:00 to 2:00. [Update: StuFac Day acitivities run from 11:00 to 1:30, but we need to be set up and ready before 11:00.] Julia will handle setup (by 10:30) and shut down (1:30). Komlan will staff it from 10:30 to 1, along with Dr. Carr (11:15 to 12:oo) and Robert H (11:30 to 1:15); Chris L will cover the gap from 1:00 until Julia can get there and close down the operation. Others are welcome to help or visit. Use the comments area to volunteer for a particular time slot.
- Tentative criteria for the scholarship were discussed and generally approved. Next step is to clarify what logistical requirements (application form, selection committee) must be in place to get this certified by the Foundation, along with more detailed fund raising plans.