Thursday, January 17, 2008


Information Supplied by Aaron Bauldree.

A. On Saturday, January 12, seven members of the TCC Engineering Club's Solar Project Committee met at All Saints Cafe to discuss the goals of the project and work on the College Innovation Fund proposal. The members that met were: Aaron Bauldree, Vernon Babich, Benjamin Holiber, Ann Wolfgang, Henry Youn, Matthew Rakestraw, and Kory Rash. Everyone was able to learn exactly what the College Innovation Fund is, and how it will be able to benefit our efforts. We were also able to complete the proposal for this request. If the club is awarded the requested $2500, we will be able to fully investigate how these panels can be used, as well as possibly have more than one cart fitted with solar panels before the end of this semester.

While the planning stage is completed, we are now ready to put the plan in action. Starting this week, we are going to start setting the foundation for the data collection process concerning the baseline energy consumption of the control cart.

As soon as the P3 Kill A Watt electrical usage meter arrives, we will start collecting data. So there is still much more work to be done, and everyone that is interested in contributing will have an opportunity.

B. Aside from the solar project, we also discussed presenting the opportunity for club members to give presentations during each club meeting. While these presentations will be brief, they will give an excellent opportunity for club members to practice their presentation skills.

Presentation is a key skill that engineers need when entering the working force. These presentations are completely voluntary and can cover any subject. It is just an opportunity to practice a skill that will help club members become better in the field of engineering. Anyone interested in volunteering to make a presentation needs to contact the Club President, Aaron Baudree, to be scheduled into the agenda.

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