Monday, June 8, 2009

UCF stormwater management

I ran across this story about the development of a mixture of ground up used tires, sawdust, and sand that can be used to improve septic tank drain fields.

The story mentions the Wekiva River drainage basin, but it could also be useful in the Wakulla Springs drainage basin - particularly southern Leon and northern Wakulla county - as an alternative to expensive "advanced" septic tanks.

One important detail: The article points out that a normal septic system puts out 40 to 60 mg of N per liter (this is 40 to 60 ppm), and that the proposed system would drop this to 10 mg/L (10 ppm). For comparison, the Advanced Wastewater Treatment system being installed in Tallahassee will reduce the nitrogen load to about 3 ppm (3 mg/L).

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