The tentative plan is to meet at the Mag Lab between 2:45 and 3:00, with the tour to run from 3:00 to 4:00, but we can start later if necessary.
So .... if you will go on the tour on April 6 but need to have it start later due to a class conflict, then please post a comment to this blog entry telling us the earliest time that works for you.
The NHMFL is located on Paul Dirac Drive in "Innovation Park".
- Follow this link to a Google Map of the area.
The easiest route from TCC zigzags from Pensacola to Mabry (turn at Goodwill) to Roberts Road (turn left immediately after crossing the railroad tracks) to the back entrance for Innovation Park (top of the hill, just before TurboCor), then left around the circle to the Lab.
Where exactly in the mag lab do we meet?
Right inside the front door. There is a "waiting area."
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