Friday, February 15, 2008

Electric Car Program Monday

This month's program of the local chapter of the Sierra Club concerns electric cars.

The meeting is Monday 18 February at 7:15 pm (snacks at 7:00 pm) at the United Church in Tallahassee. The church is at 1834 Mahan Drive, which is in the woods to the north of Mahan (US-90) just west of Blair Stone Drive.

Program info:

The speaker, Mark Hunt, will talk about his experience converting standard cars to electric cars or hybrids, the advantages and disadvantages of these vehicles, their economics, and the present state of commercial hybrid vehicles. He works at King Cobra, a shop on Orange Avenue, building and modifying race cars as well as electric cars. He learned his skills working on orange grove equipment on his father's farm in Indian River county.

I suspect he works with Al Simpler (who has some all-electric sports cars) and so I expect Al (of Simpler Solar Systems at 3118 W Tharpe Street) will be there also. FYI, Al Simpler has offered free assistance to Aaron's solar conversion project.

Driving tips:

If you are coming from the east (or turning from Blair Stone), their two driveways are right after Sasanqua Drive, only about 500' past Blair Stone. The first is the exit, the second is the entrance, so it is hard to miss if you are ready to turn right as soon as you pass Blair Stone.

It is very easy to miss if you are coming from the west (from TCC or FSU down Tennessee St, which becomes Mahan). You must slow down and look for the last median cut before Blair Stone. You turn left about 200' after you go past Pointe Ct (on the right). Their sign is small and eco friendly so it is easy to miss if you are going 50 mph. If you miss the turnoff heading west, you have to go quite a distance before you can make a legal U turn to come back.

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