Thursday, April 10, 2008

Electric and Solar Assist Vehicle News

Two items:

1) The final assembly of the Solar-Assist system started this afternoon and will continue on Friday at 10:30 until it is complete. I have most of the baseline data from monitoring the existing system and will post those real soon now.

2) I was forwarded the following notice: "Test Drive a Zap! Zap Corporation, manufacturers of all electric cars, will be in town this Saturday with cars that you can take for a test drive. These cars are viable, all-electric commuting cars, so if you get a chance stop by and take one out for a spin."
Date and Time: Saturday, April 12th 11 a.m.
Location: K-mart Plaza, corner of Apalachee and Blairstone Rd.

Go to for more information.

This is the first I ever heard of them, but

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