Monday, August 4, 2008

ASME - TSS joint meeting on Biomass plant

Ben Cowart writes about Thursday's meeting:

Subject: ASME - TSS joint meeting Time changed to 7 - 9 PM, August 7th

All - please put on your calendar to attend the August 7th meeting of the joint meeting with the Tallahassee Scientific Society meeting from 7- 9 at the City Hall Commission Chambers. The topic will be the BG&E Biomass Plant. Several local activist have been calling the project "incineration in disguise" and this forum is to hear the evidence from the Pro and Con groups on the project. Should prove to be lively.

Please try to attend.

This will be our August Meeting.


I've looked at the BG&E proposal and they do take an interesting angle. My reading of it is that at one point they argue (correctly) that they are not burning the waste materials so they are not governed by waste-to-energy incinerator rules. (They are converting it to gas in a low temperature process quite unlike the plasma torch process we heard about a summer or two ago.) However, at another point they argue that the power plant that burns this gas is not subject to emission rules for power plants because it is a waste-to-energy facility, so they don't have to account for what is in the gas they produce.

Ben may be able to tell us what they would have to do at Hopkins if they bought this gas from BG&E and burned it. That will, indeed, make an interesting discussion.

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