Monday, December 23, 2013

BBC News about DARPA robot competition

The article from the BBC America news feed gives the overall results and includes a silent video of robots in action, nice pictures of some of the contenders and "barely rans" (the ones that scored zero points) as well as this DARPA YouTube Channel that has full length video recorded live during the competition (more than 20 hours total).

Interesting that a robot built by the Johnson Space Center was among those that scored zero points, but JPL did OK (finishing fifth) behind a Japanese company recently purchased by Google, a team called IHMC Robotics that used a robot built by a company called Boston Dynamics, a team from Carnegie Mellon University (third), and MIT (fourth).

1 comment:

Dr. James Carr said...

The BBC asks just how good these robots actually are:

My take: Twenty years ago I used a one-of-a-kind supercomputer that was less capable than an iPad.